Dynamics 365 – Win Notification

The first sales tool out is the Win Notification that I have created based on different technologies (Teams, Adaptive Card, Power Automate, Custom Pages). The following posts will provide you enough information to do it yourself, or you can simply download the solution and add it to the environment of your liking.

👎👎The problem👎👎

Could this possibly be one of the most boring buttons in all of Dynamics?

Imagine working in sales and closing a deal you have been super excited about. You click the “Close as Won”, answer OK in the confirmation dialog, and then nothing happens. ABSOLUTELY NOTHING. This is in fact the case for Dynamics. This has been a huge issue for me for a long time, and something that I wanted to do something about.

This is why I created the Win Notification 😁🏆

The setup

Step 1: Creating a custom page and adding it to Opportunity
Step 2: Adding the Close Dialog Logic
Step 3: Adding GIF’s to the dialog
Step 4: Connecting to Teams for automatic posting

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