Enforcements on the horizon, hold on to the DEV’s🤷‍♂️🤷‍♀️

In the era of Low Code why on earth am I suddenly an advocate for the Pro Code scene? Well… There are changes coming that should make you think before putting all your eggs in one basket.

Did you by any chance get to read the recent blog from Alex Shlega ? <- read here! Alex talks about upcoming changes/limits to Power Platform. At first I thought this was an issue not related to API limits, but it turns out it’s closely related. This time the limits are “ALL UP” within the platform and are defined as Power Platform Requests (IF I have understood this correctly). The change in total number of Request “included” is actually insane, if the numbers from his blog post are correct.

What on earth is a Power Platform Request?

Glad you asked! My understanding as of now in a flow are all elements included in a flow.

This flow includes 1 trigger and 4 actions. That would be 5 request. They are even counting the compose action if I understand Alex correctly. Why would this matter you say? Well, when the changes are so drastic you definitely have a look into the Flow’s you have in your current environments.

Every normal user is given a 40k limit pr 24 hours based on the listing that I copied from Alex:

Oddly enough Dynamics Enterprise is getting the same as Power Platform pr user and Professional (would expect more🤔).

Why I have become more pro code?

To my understanding ATM this does not apply to Plugins or Actions (the good old legacy code we can create in Dynamics / Dataverse. Until this above will be enforced, you should take the time to look through all types of Flow’s and consider if this is code worthy or not. In reality, anything heavy should not be in Power Automate (personal opinion).

So maybe this is the time to level up your programming skills once and for all, and make sure that you are able to write plugins/custom actions! People are getting bored at me saying this, but since you “embraced” Power Fx, you also accepted that you now do code. Might as well do some real code while you are at it 😘

PS: Did you get the update about the Low Code Plugin? I still don’t know how this technically works behind the scenes, but I do believe it uses pure code for the Dataverse directly stuff, and would only consume a Power Platform Request once you start using it with connectors and such. Not really sure to be honest, but it will be interesting to see the development here.

Where do I begin with programming?

Might sound a bit cliché, but ChatGPT is actually a good start together with a few blogs. Within Dataverse direct programming (platform code) it’s easier to find relevant samples to work with. I will also make a course on YouTube after summer that will explain how you can get started with BASIC BASIC plugin development.

Plugins for dummies BY a dummy

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