ACDC 2021 – Hackathon summary

WOW… Simply WOW. It’s the best way to summarize this years hackathon.

Normally this 3 day hackathon is situated in the beautiful hill of Holmenkollen, but this year we were forced to go online for obvious reasons. One little difference we did do was to open up for teams to gather locally at their companies offices. This way we could add a social factor within safety regulations without having to keep everyone 100% at home office.

We decided to have a participation fee for the event, and everything that was extra would be given to children’s cancer

This project has consumed most of my time the last few months being a part of the committee, and getting it all together has not been easy.

We were 5 teams total and almost 40 participants that dedicated 3 whole days of fun where this years topic was LEGO.

ACDC 2021 ( <- Homepage for the hackathon with the live scores

Teams were from:
Point Taken (Point Taken Brixters)
Avanade (Orange Panthers)
Albatross (The Merge Conflict)
Skill (Klossmajorene)
Felleskjøpet (Cowders)

Arctic Cloud Developer Challenge Submissions ( <- The blog showing most things that were created during the 3 days.

Our team decided to create a Lego City where IOT sensors controlled it all. I will write more about the geek stuff in my next post, but this might give you some hint:

Winner of the tournament was Felleskjøpet, that simply were superior in this years technical setup and performance. Read more about their solutions in the ACDC BLOG!! 🙂

Final delivery – Cowders | Arctic Cloud Developer Challenge Submissions (


While everything is fun and games, we were able to raise some money as well! 🙌✨🙌

This event just really made my day, and I am thankful for the People that made it happen. Amazing what community can do when we work together!

Ulrikke Akerbæk (Skill)
Carlos Briceno (Bouvet)
Marius Børresen (Felleskjøpet)
Jarle Engseth (Skill)
Ragnhild Baumann (Infoworker)
Thomas Sandsør (Point Taken)

CDS vs Dynamics Connector Power Platform

There are several discussions regarding the use of CDS connector VS the Dynamics connector in the Power Platform. Recently I have been updating my knowledge a lot on PowerApps, PowerBI and Flow. The odd thing is that these environments behave quite different even thought they are so closely connected in regards to connectors.

how much longer will they co exist, and why are they even different?

So here are my thoughts about the current state April 2019 (this might be outdated in one month 😂)

Flow CDS vs Dynamics 1 – 0
When using Flow, the CDS connector seems to be the correct choice. I personally feel that the action advanced settings is the most important reason why the CDS would be the correct choice.

CDS connector will only run the flow if country is changed saving you the flow, and the Dynamics connector will run no mater what costing you 1 flow.

PowerBI CDS vs Dynamics 2 – 0
There are maybe many reasons why you would choose the CDS connector over the Dynamics connector for API reasons, but the most important one I like to focus on is the Option Set (Pick List) from Dynamics.

Look at the Yellow columns. They show the display name of the Options Set, so no more need for hacks to convert the fetch from numbers to names. Obviously a huge benefit that this solution will update when the Option Set values update also!

PowerApps CDS vs Dynamics 2 – 1

But wait… It might not be over yet. While tampering with lookup controls for PowerApps I found out that CDS simply doesn’t have the lookup fields in the data!

CDS connector (Simply doesn’t have any lookups):

Dynamics Connector (With lookups):

Data presented is still in a GUID state, but there is a workaround for that:) <– How to fix GUID in PowerApps

Power BI RLS report for Dynamics 365

RLS stands for Row Level Security and is a function within Power BI used to securely manage what the users see. I am reusing the steps from the Power BI embedding blog, and continuing with the same dataset to define RLS. Another big thanks to Jeroen Vos for teaching me PowerBI.

We start the process in Power BI for Desktop. Open the same report, and then navigate to Modeling and Manage Roles.

This brings up a DAX console, and I will chose the “Address 1: Country/Region”

Now we can test the DAX by simulating how it is with another user login. This function is something I wish we had in Dynamics!!!

Notice that the data has changed!:)
NB! Remember to publish changes to

Log into to complete the rest of the process

Next step is to add a user to the newly created security role. Navigate to datasets and open the security.

Last step is to Share the Dashboard with the user

Open Dynamics 365 and add a new Power BI Dashboard.

The Administrator (All data)

The Sales user (Only USA)

RLS reporting in Dynamics 365, secure and supported 🙂

Power BI embed to Dynamics 365 form with filtering

There have been several post about this topic before, but this one is the only way I got it to work. Rasmus wrote about this a few weeks ago, and I am using most of his code. Ida was also early out mentioning this possibility, but I just couldn’t get it all to work before now. Big thank you to Jeroen Vos for BI assistance:)

Bear in mind that I had to start from scratch here to make sense of it all. You can fast forward quite a bit if you already have a data model. I believe Microsoft will release a OOTB function sometime this year, but until then we can demo embedded BI in CRM forms like this.

Create a report

Start by opening Power BI dashboard, and creating a new project with “Get Data”

If you don’t know where to find the developer settings, you can copy the url from above, and just replace it with your org and crm* that you have in your country.

For this demo I am only choosing Account and Opportunity.

After loading, add the funnel graph.

Add the field salesstage and estimtedvalue. Both are from Oppty table.

Your report should resemble something like this. Now we have to format quite a bit for this to actually look presentable in Dynamics. Because this solution is highly custom at the moment, we need to make it fit the Dynamics IFrame for it to look decent.

The most important format of them all is the page format to the right. You need to make this one small for the Dynamics Tab to be able to open it in full screen. I made it half of the standard. Eventually you should end up like something below:

Numbers on the right are a picklist, but for the demo I didn’t care to rename them.

Publish to

Remember to copy the URL here

Dynamics 365 form configuration

This process requires a webresource with javascript and a tab with IFrame in Dynamics. Because of the new UI this layout is actually quite nice!

URL can be any website since we are overwriting it anyway. The name of the iframe is used in the javascript. Don’t restrict any cross-frame scripting.
function SetBIFrame(executionContext){
    var formContext = executionContext.getFormContext();
    var pbiFrame = formContext.getControl("IFRAME_BI");
    var GUID =[{}]/g, "");
    //replace the Power BI url with the url from the Embed step
    var PBIurl = "";
    //accounts = account table in BI, and accountid=guid for account
    pbiFrame.setSrc(PBIurl + "&filter=accounts/accountid eq '" +GUID+ "'");

Only thing you need to change is the URL from the secure embed. Since I am using account and opportunity out of the box, the table names for both of them are “accounts” and “opportunities”.

In the filter above I am filtering the results in the Account table with the account ID that i will find within CRM. The result is to show a graph for only that single account.

Remember to Pass Execution Context here. I don’t really now why, but it wont work without. Normally when I script I don’t have to use this, but if someone would tell me what it does I am happy to learn:)

Publish all settings and open Dyanmics 365 to the account (that you know has some opportunities).

As you can see Alpine Ski House is showing a sales funnel of the opportunities related and nothing more. This is a filtered report in Dynamics based on the account in a BI tab on top. Navigation here in dynamics is pretty smooth.

Power BI embedded dashboard Dynamics 365

Download Power BI Desktop
and login to the Power BI with your credentials.

Then download the content pack file for Power BI

Open the .pbix file in Power BI desktop, and it should look something like this

If for some reason the dashboard isn’t showing any data, you might need to run through the Power BI Sales Analytics fix for Dynamics 365

Next step is to publish this to Power BI

Open and locate the report you uploaded. A report itself can’t integrate with Dynamics, so we have to create a Dashboard for CRM to be able to pick this up. Open up the report

Find a chart you like and pin it

Continue the process for the charts you like, but add them to the existing dashboard “CRM Sales”. Eventually you might have a dashboard looking something like this:

NB!!! I had to make the size of these charts fairly large. Otherwise Dynamics 365 was doing strange things with scaling. Just try different approaches.

Now we have to configure Dynamics 365 to allow Power BI embedded reports. Open for Environment settings.

Open CRM in your app and you can now add a BI Dashboard.

The result will be nice if you remembered to scale the Dashboard in large enough.

One little side note. At the moment I can only see the option to add Personal Dashboard with Power BI embedded.

Fix – Power BI Sales Analytics data for Dynamics 365


There is something wrong with the BI content pack for Dynamics 365. It might be my setup, but this is what I have to do before demos to fix the connection problem. The issue is related to the content pack filters locked. So after completing the setup you will se an almost blank BI dataset. I haven’t figured out why, but figured out a way around.


I will go through the steps to fix the report and make it ready for demo.

Download Power BI Desktop
and login to the Power BI with your credentials. Then download the content pack file for Power BI

In the filter view for every page you will notice that there is an active filter. This is the problem when looking into the data!”

I personally would remove all the filters pr page for the purpose of the demo. More data looks better:)

Next step is to fix the Dynamics source, so the system is getting data from the correct CRM system.

Find the query, advanced editor and change to the CRM org. Based on MS doc when writing this article, only the 8.2 was supported. When you are done, “close & apply”.

That’s it for the fix. This should now be ready to publish to Power BI online. Next step is embed Power BI report to Dynamics 365.