Dynamics Email Subject

This post is a part of a series of posts for Customer Service. The complete GUIDE can be found here

Are you as excited as me now that things are coming together?!?!🙌😜 Probably not .. hehe

So the title might not sound exciting, but when you combine the work done in earlier posts with the work we will do in this post, you have got yourself a good setup for Email support system.


So we continue with the JavaScript from the last post, but here we will add a little something from the CASE. If you remember from the Autonumber post we now have a better CASE number that somewhat makes sense. Let’s use JavaScript to retrieve it.

Go all the way down to the last function

var formContext = "";

function OnCrmPageLoad(executionContext) {
    formContext = executionContext.getFormContext();
    //You don't need to change this. Just understand that forms have one the following states when opening
    var FormTypes =
        Undefined: 0,
        Create: 1,
        Update: 2,
        ReadOnly: 3,
        Disabled: 4,
        QuickCreate: 5,
        BulkEdit: 6

    switch (formContext.ui.getFormType()) {
        case FormTypes.Create: OnNewFormLoad(); break;
        case FormTypes.Update: OnUpdateFormLoad(); break;
        case FormTypes.ReadOnly: OnReadOnlyFormLoad(); break;
        case FormTypes.Disabled: OnDisabledFormLoad(); break;
        case FormTypes.QuickCreate: OnQuickCreateFormLoad(); break;
        case FormTypes.BulkEdit: OnBulkEditFormLoad(); break;
        case FormTypes.Undefined: alert("Error"); break;

//I only use the RunAlways, OnNewFormLoad and OnUpdateFormLoad, but i keep the others here if i ever would need. 
//When looking at this you can always know what funtion is running. Easy to read and debug. 
//On my OnNewFOrmLoad I am now calling a function "GetDefaultQueueAndSignature"
function runAlways() { }
function OnNewFormLoad() {
    //On new form load we call get Signature and Queue
    //For regarding we have to check that it contains ID before getting data, and we have to check that it is case
    var RegardingObject = formContext.getAttribute("regardingobjectid").getValue();
    if (RegardingObject != null) {
        if (RegardingObject[0].entityType == "incident") {
function OnUpdateFormLoad() {
    //On new UpdateForm load we call get Signature and Queue
    //For regarding we have to check that it contains ID before getting data, and we have to check that it is case
    var RegardingObject = formContext.getAttribute("regardingobjectid").getValue();
    if (RegardingObject != null) {
        if (RegardingObject[0].entityType == "incident") {
function OnReadOnlyFormLoad() { }
function OnDisabledFormLoad() { }
function OnQuickCreateFormLoad() { }
function OnBulkEditFormLoad() { }

//******************************************************************** */
//CUSTOM FUNCTIONS are added below here. Below this point you add all types of functions you need. 
//******************************************************************** */
function GetDefaultQueueAndSignature() {
    //Get User GUID and replace "{" and "}" with blanks. 
    var UserID = Xrm.Utility.getGlobalContext().userSettings.userId;
    UserID = UserID.replace("{", "");
    UserID = UserID.replace("}", "");

    //Get User Default Queue and Signature via WebApi
    Xrm.WebApi.online.retrieveRecord("systemuser", UserID, "?$select=_queueid_value&$expand=cs_Signature($select=cs_htmlsignature)").then(
        function success(result) {
            var Id = "{" + result["_queueid_value"] + "}";
            var Name = result["_queueid_value@OData.Community.Display.V1.FormattedValue"];
            var LogicalName = result["_queueid_value@Microsoft.Dynamics.CRM.lookuplogicalname"];
            if (result.hasOwnProperty("cs_Signature")) {
                var Signature = result["cs_Signature"]["cs_htmlsignature"];
            if (LogicalName == null || Signature == null) {
                alert("User Record missing Queue and/or Signature");

            //Set FROM lookup to queue
            formContext.getAttribute("from").setValue([{ id: Id, name: Name, entityType: LogicalName }]);
            //Set signature before current text in body
            var Body = formContext.getAttribute("description").getValue();
            if(Body != null){
                formContext.getAttribute("description").setValue("<br /><br />" + Signature + Body);
                formContext.getAttribute("description").setValue("<br /><br />" + Signature);
        function (error) {

function GetCaseIDSetSubject() {
    //Get Uswer GUID and replace "{" and "}" with blanks. 
    var CaseID = formContext.getAttribute("regardingobjectid").getValue()[0].id;
    CaseID = CaseID.replace("{", "");
    CaseID = CaseID.replace("}", "");

    Xrm.WebApi.online.retrieveRecord("incident", CaseID, "?$select=ticketnumber").then(
        function success(result) {
            var CaseNumber = result["ticketnumber"];
            var Subject = formContext.getAttribute("subject");
            //Check if Subject contains data
            if (Subject.getValue() != null) {
                var SubjectContainsID = Subject.getValue().includes(CaseNumber);
                //IF subject does not contain casenumber, i add the casenumber to the subject
                if (SubjectContainsID == false) {
                    formContext.getAttribute("subject").setValue(Subject.getValue() + " - " + CaseNumber);
            //This is a new email without a subject. Get the CaseNumber, and inform that topic has to be set
            else {
                formContext.getAttribute("subject").setValue("[Insert Topic] - " + CaseNumber);
        function (error) {


We are getting the CASE number from Case / Incident. Then we perform a few checks to see if there is an active subject in the email, and if the email contains the case number from before.

New Email

Let’s see what happens when I now open a new email from a case. Not as a reply to email, but as a new email thread.

Look at that. You have the subject pre populated with a notification that the customer agent should add a topic. This of course could be defaulted to whatever you want in the script, but I left it like this.

Existing Email reply

In this case we see what happens when I reply to an email a customer sent to my CRM system

The CRM Email will look like this. Now I hit reply

Now this is what the subject line should look like.


This small detail means the world of a difference for the people working with customer service and the customers. Whenever they are referring to a case, they can use the same case number. No more tracking token idiocrasy. When you use the global search in dynamics you get hits from the emails and the cases. That is what I call being just a little more efficient!

Please implement this as OOTB Microsoft.

As you can see my posts are now coming together. Next post includes a little extra for quality of data, before I add a video of how to use it.

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